
Contoh Surat Bisnis Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Surat Bisnis Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Surat bisnis adalah surat yang ditulis oleh perorangan, instansi atau lembaga organisasi yang berisi pesan-pesan yang berhubungan dengan bisnis. Surat bisnis dapat ditulis diberbagai media, misalnya via pos, faksimili atau menggunakan email. Ada bermacam-macam surat bisnis diantaranya, surat bisnis penawaran, surat bisnis perkenalan surat bisnis pesan dan lain sebagainya.
contoh surat bisnis dalam bahasa inggris

Walaupun perkembangan teknologi informasi berkembang dengan cepat seperti komputer, telepon genggam, televisi dan radio namun penggunaan surat masih dianggap sebagai sarana untuk mengirimkan pesan yang lebih formal. Penggunaan surat sebagai sarana menyampaikan informasi tertulis juga memudahkan seseorang untuk menyimpan bukti pesan atau perjanjian yang ada dalam surat tertulis dalam bentuk fisik yang otentik.

Selain sebagai sarana untuk berkomunikasi, surat bisnis juga memiliki beberapa fungsi yaitu:
  1. Surat bisnis berfungsi sebagai perwakilan bagi pengirim surat. Maksudnya adalah sebagai pembawa pesan bisnis dari pengirim surat kepada pihak lain.
  2. Surat bisnis juga dapat digunakan sebagai tempat penyimpan pemberitahuan, gagasan, permohonan atau permintaan yang berhubungan dengan masalah bisnis. Contoh: surat penagihan, surat penagihan produk baru, surat pemesanan produk.
  3. Surat bisnis dapat digunakan sebagai pengingat, maksudnya adalah ketika surat tersebut dibutuhkan kembali untuk pengecekkan kegiatan bisnis yang telah terjadi, maka surat bisnis harus diarsipkan
  4. Surat bisnis dapat dijadikan bukti sejarah atau bukti historis. Contoh: surat izin pendirian usaha, surat penggabungan usaha dan surat bukti kepailitan usaha. Surat tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai bukti riwayat bisnis yang berharga.
  5. Surat bisnis sebagai pedoman kerja. Contoh: surat perintah dan surat keputusan. Surat tersebut digunakan untuk pedoman dalam melakukan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan bisnis.
  6. Surat bisnis dapat digunakan untuk promosi bagi perngirim surat.
  Contoh Surat Penawaran: Pengertian Surat Penawaran Beserta Contoh Cara Membuat Surat Penawaran Terlengkap

Contoh Surat Bisnis Bahasa Inggris I

Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 07

Purwokerto, November 13th, 2014

Designation. General Manager Affair
Jl. Jendral Soedirman 23

Dear Sirs,

Through this letter, let us introduce our company to you. Our company named PT Maju Sejahtera is engaged in the distributor of office stationery.

According to the information we collect, CV MEGA is a property company that is growing rapidly and will open again some marketing office in Tasikmalaya. In this connection, let us offer some of stationery products that we market. Together with this letter we attach a list of items and their respective prices.

If your company needs our services, then simply contact us via telephone numbers (0265) 35412 and we’ll deliver the goods directly to the site. Further, we will send you an invoice each end of the month for transactions occurring in the corresponding month. We will give special discount if accumulated purchase within one month of more than Rp 2.000.000, – (two million rupiah).

We hope that this offer can proceed in a form of cooperation that benefits both parties. If Mr interested, we are ready to make presentations and conduct further discussed.

Thus we submit the offer letter, delivered thank you for your attention.


Samsul Arif
Marketing Manager

Contoh Surat Bisnis Bahasa Inggris II

                                                                                                                            MN22 8YY
                                                                                                              13th November 2014

Mrs Matty Jenkyns
Personnel Manager
Manchester General Hospital
Hollbrook Avenue
Dear Mrs Jenkyns

I am looking for a placement within a hospital environment from June to September of this year. I am writing to you as I understand that Manchester General Hospital may have appropriate vacancies available. I have a strong interest in laboratory procedures and clinical diagnostics which I understand are predominantly carried out at this hospital. As I live only 5 miles from your site, travel and accommodation would not be a problem for me.

I first became interested in the hospital environment after a school visit to your site.  I was taken on a tour around the laboratories where the differing techniques used in testing clinical samples for patients were demonstrated.  Since then, discussion with my careers adviser has confirmed my decision to aim for a career in this field.

Through my degree course, I have been able to develop my interest in biochemistry, whilst improving my laboratory skills along with my numeracy skills. I have gained some experience in HPLC and have good computing skills, having used several scientific databases. I achieved 68% in my first year examinations and am hoping to achieve a high 2:1 for my course work this year. While at University, I have also been able to utilise my skills in working with people through a variety of vacation jobs. My work at a busy insurance office was valuable in teaching me the importance of ascertaining customers’ needs and providing clear and accurate information.

I would be most grateful if you could consider me for any suitable positions. I will be available for interview at any time and am at my home address in Cranford from late May onwards. At all other times I can be contacted at my college address. Please find enclosed my CV where you will find further information.

Yours sincerely

Rosalind Franklin

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